Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fuji Instant Film:

Fuji film has started making a line of instant film for old polaroid pack film cameras as well as promoting their own version of the polaroid camera. The company is facing several problems promoting its line of instant film, one being that they are living in the shadow of the polaroid name. People associate instant film with the brand polaroid and not with fuji. Changing that strong brand association will be difficult.
One of the great things about the original polaroid camera, is the connection it had to a youthful audience. The cameras were a novetly for most people, and its connection to a teenage and young adult audience carried a sense of youthful spirit to the brand the the images it produced. Even in the age of digital cameras, there is still a strong revival and demand for instant film and cameras. While their is a strong artistic following that clings to the this media there is also a large young audience who remembers polaroids and if they were more eaisily accessable I believe would want to own one of these cameras.

I picture Fuji taking this product and marketing it towards a youthful audience between the ages of 16 and 25. I imagine this brand to be American Eagle meets Urban Outfitters meets Lomography, a mix between casual teenage fun, a hint of urban trendiness, with a unique interest in the slightly obscure. The camera would be for the young adult who is slightly inclined towards hipster and trendy fads, probably has an interesting in an underground music scene, inclined to retro fashion and loves shopping at vintage stores, or at least loves looking like they shop at vintage stores.

Ecumenical Christian Ministries

The Ecumenical Christian Ministries is an amazing place on campus is amazing where people of all types of spiritual backgrounds and interests come together to form a community of intellecutally charged minds that seek to helps others, and promote compassion, open-mindedness, and are interested in active learning about issues of social justice, sexuality, environment, spirituality and other topics. The problems facing the Ecumenical Christrian Ministries much like any non-profit organization, is that they lack funds and their main proirity is serving the community, so their efforts are geared towards their projects, and not their brand or aesthetic. Some of their publications, including their website is outdated, their logo could be modernized, and their publications promoting their programs could have a more conhesive feel.
The great thing about the Ecumenitcal Christrain Ministries is their wonderful sense of community, and their home grown, grass roots appeal. I want to take that grassroots, do-it-yourself spirit, and give them a conhesive feel, and a brand that can help translate their message easily acrosss campus, so that they are easily recognized and united visually, while still maintaining the sense of individuality and staying away from any type cooperate feeling.

Community Garden Project

In todays going green movement the subject of gardening and growing your veggatbles and herbs has become a large trend and many people are becoming interested in gardening but don’t have the space or the knowledge. The community Garden Project would provide green spaces in urban urban areas, and places where their is a large population living in apartments . The Community Garden Project would also provide all the tools one would need to plant a garden, as well as providing classes to help people who wanted to learn more about a specific types of plants or just a general knowledge. Basically a person would rent out a certain sized plot of land and with that one would have access to all the toosl needed to plant a garden and classes to help them learn more about the subject. It would promote growing your own food, a sense of community and spending time outdoors. Each garden would have a meeting area where they could hold different events, such as flower growing competitions, pumpkin carving and classes.
This would be geared to a young, ecologically aware urban adults probably between the ages of 25 to 35, and possibly to young families who live in urban areas. This company would shift also to the needs and desires of that specific community garden. The look and feel would be

1 comment:

Yitka said...


Enjoying the blog :) Keep it up! + I have a question for the new Fuji film compatible with Polaroid brand cameras?

Miss you -
