Wednesday, December 17, 2008

style rookie

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Check out t his design blog

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Break Homework

:word list:

kid friendly
family friendly
boomboom sound
fbi hat

Audience Persona

Damien is a 10 year old boy, and his favorite holiday is Halloween. He loves everything about it, and especially coming up with the scariest or most interesting costume for the elementary school Halloween costume parade. This year he is going as zombie and he is trying to find something that would make his costume extra scary and realistic, but he is running out to time and has to figure something out for tomorrow. So he goes to his computer and google searches around. He comes across this site that talks is geared for kids and great ideas for Halloween costumes. He starts clicking through and decides that fake blood is the perfect thing to add that extra kick to his costume, plus the grumpy vampire that teaches you how to make it is funny and makes the recipe more fun to read. It seems easy enough to make so he copies it down. Also there is a tutorial on how to make a fake crime scene. Not only does this work well for his costume, but a now he has way of scaring people who want to his house for trick or treating!

Alfred and his son are building a haunted doorway for their house this year for halloween. They have set up a little haunted house type thing in front of the door, where there are different cubbies you have to open and feel around for candy, or a gross surprise. He wants to give his pealed grapes an extra level of grossness and scariness, so he decides to find a way to make fake blood. He searches on google and finds this flash animation. Alfrend and his son Steven sit down together to watch this fun animation. They both find it fun, and a little goofy, but non the less make it really fun to learn how to make fake blood and how to use.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

what is the world coming too...

Lol cats art show...

10 worst websites

I found this website that lists the 1 worst websites you wish you had never seen. My personal favorite is the jesus site with the rainbow background... its priceless..

Sunday, November 16, 2008

8 hours waiting to print...

Hour 7 waiting for a printer

S0 I am sitting in the print lab... I have been here since noon waiting to print 4 pages. I think it is crazy that we only have 2 epson printers. Plus there is two perfectly good epson stylus's downstairs in the photo lab not being used, when there are students who need to use them... There is no reason for somenone to have to wait 7 plus hours for a printer, if we had 4 printers like we used to this wouldn't be an issue. 2 epsons is not enough, especially when we have projects like this due! I understand that the photo printers are bought with student funds, but why can't graphics do the same? I don't know what happened to the other two epsons, if they are getting fixed or what not. IF they are just in the process of being repaired, I want them back....
Sorry for the rant... I am just frustrated.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Process Work

02. ESTABLISHING GOALS (all about your site not the original site)

What is
What is the purpose of the site/what is the site about.
What sites are in competition or offer similar "things" to yours. is a site devoted to tree care, tree information and tree appreciation. The site's main goal is to promote education about trees and the value you behind them. Their information ranges from the basics of planting trees and proper maintenance care to how to treat sick and dying trees. On top of their information on how to teach people to take care of trees themselves, they also include ways to help a person find a certified arborist in their area, and the importance certification. They also have section just on tree appreciation and why trees are beneficial
A few sites offer similar information. is the main competition. It offers much of the same information, including tree care, and an arborist search which is the main bulk of the information offered on There are a few sites that talk about tree care, but the entire website is not just about trees, they just have specific facts but does not include everything that

Audience Persona

Wendy just moved into her dream home. The only problem is the low hanging branches over the drive way. She wants to find someone who can safely cut the branches down, without killing the tree, or damaging anything on her property. She decides to search tree care on google. The first website that appears is She clicks it and a very simple clean and pretty website that appears. She immediately sees : Find a Tree Care Specialist, but she is trying to save money, so she clicks tree care, because if there is a tutorial, she would consider doing it herself. So she clicks tree care, but immediately changes her mind, what was she thinking? She could climb up into the tree and cut that branch down herself?! Luckily, there is a menu on the right where she can search for a tree care specialist, also on the tree care page. It was perfect, she didn't have to worry about clicking back through the other pages and she can immediately find someone in her area to contact.

Concept Statement

State general project information, goals, and relevant background information for site redesign. This paragraph should be a statement overview of the project as a whole. Include your Concept Statement.

Challenge two combines the art of organization and design. The goal was to take a poorly designed and poorly organized website, from the real world, and redesign the information in a innovative and well functioning internet site. We worked in groups at the beginning of the project in order to help handle the volume of information as well as to teach us how to work on a team. The final product was our own and had to have a redesigned site map as well as the website function itself.
My specific website as an informational site about tree care, called The site originally was confusing as well has offered an abundance of information that one could access from several different places that became repetitive and confusing. The biggest problem to overcome was how to restructure the site and the information so that it was manageable to the consumer. My goal was to rearrange the site's information so that it no longer lead the user in circles, but communicated the message is a clear efficient way that also happened to be interesting and entertaining to a wide audience of people. Also the site had to be easy to use and not too flashy because many of our projected audience would be elderly and not very computer savvy.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Final Website

Check out my website! oh btw be sure to open it in Safari, for some reason it gets messed up when you view it in mozilla.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Spiritually Englightened use Macs

I was at the Rime Buddhist Center this weekend doing a photography assignment, and I snapped this photo of a Monk using his Mac computer to run a presentation. I got a kick out of it.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Sagmeister VS. Gan Hosoya

I was doing research for my History of Graphic Design in Japan Since WW2 when I came across this artist named Gan Hosoya and I couldn't help thinking that his poster designed in the mid 60s looked a lot like Sagmeister's website. I know that Sagmeister has done work in Japan and who knows maybe Gan Hosoya influenced him. Just a guess, but you never know...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fun for Halloween

I found these fun pumpkin stencils for pumpkin carving. I thought in the spirit of the holiday it would be fun to post them.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Super Large Giant Print Bible, that can be read by orbiting planets

So I was hanging out in the Dusty Book Shelf this weekend with Matt, and he came across this bible, appropriately named The Super Giant Print Bible. Its hard to tell from the photos, but let me assure the people living in the space station can read this bible, not to mention when you read it, it feels like God is screaming at you the whole time. I mean it is the biggest type in a book I have ever seen, and there are almost no margins, which I think makes it almost more difficult to read. Anyway there is a photo of The Super Giant Print Bible, next to a normal sized print bible for size comparison. I got a kick out of it, so...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

To Suggest// Keywords

appeals to large audience

Design Sponge Browsing...

It's creepy and cool at the same time!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I found my old deviantart page from when I was in High School and I was looking through my favorite artists back then and I found this girl. I thought it was fun, so I'm going to post a few of her things. She's 21 year old artist from Illinois.. Her Deviant name is Nekofoot, but I don't know her real name...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Designing Interfaces

.Each point where a user must decide where to go should be labeled appropriately

.cancel buttons should be located in typical places: botton, upper left, ect.

.make sure the user doesn't have to go through multi levels of sub pages to get to the message.

.follow the 80/20 rule : which is 80% should be locatable by one click from the home page.

.most modern desktops are built around a single main window, often tabbed or tiled, with assorted tool bars and panes around it. don't use separate windows for things.

.Clear entry points, hub and spoke and pyramid.

.animated transitions help keep user interested.

.always have an escape hatch

.google does a really good job of focusing the home page and directing the user.

.about, contact, privacy policy, ect should be smaller and at the bottom of the page

.first devise an organization structure for the web page

.hub and spoke models are good for small screened mobile devises

.using restricted navigation allows designer control and its simpler and cheaper to make

.be sure to have next, back and home buttons, people expect them.

.though this method can be too restricting at times

.one-window drill down
.reduces the number of clicks and it takes to get around. improves navigation efficiency.

.back, next, and home buttons don't need to say just that, they can be actual names of the pages.

.use color to identify what parts belong to what.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Websites and Why

I like the tool bar , its a good way to have images plus type in the top part of the screen.
clean way to use boxes and not a lot of clutter. Simple and to the point
simple clean, easy and not over complicated
I like the way the name of the website is incorporated into the links at the top.
simple clean layout with good images and text together, nice way to organize information as well
interesting and different way to explore information on the page
I liked how the navigation bar worked at the bottom.
way awesome intro, that incorportated the links into a complex image that worked, and was remarkably easy to read.
nice and simple tool bar, clean, and not overly cuttered
liked the color scheme

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Reading 4 Outline

.Find out the inner workings of the organization
.business hierarchy
.client history
.diagram the process
.make sure everyone understands where the fall in the chain of command
and what they are responsible for
.don't get caught up in false urgency
.understand your audience
.organize your information in a way that everyone working on the project
has easy access and understanding of it

Things to consider

physical aspects

.how will people interact with it?
.what does your audience like?
.does your audience like to read?
.will they read it quickly or over time?
.will it be read repeatedly?
.what are the age factors or restrictions?


.market research
.review previous work
.find competitors

Review While Developing

.do you have everything you need
.stay engaged
.cement relationships

Prototypes and Testing

.keep diagramming and everyone informed
.make a site map

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thursday Crit.

my message is powerful but I could repeat 3 trillion somewhere, or tie it in better.
.make sure people know that it a collection of things not individual
.music great!
.impactful ending
.more pop in the opening, play with scale
.fix awkward shifts between scenes
.minor polishing of motions
.2nd fact stays on too long
.some green and black and grey not diagonal
.instead of words piling up, try scrolling up
.world hunger part too fast
.bump up the volume on the beginning visually
.move oil photo up
.maybe 3 tril gets really big?
.repeat three things in the list
.good end

Monday, September 22, 2008

Video Update

So this is what I have for tomorrow... Check it out!

I want to love you tender

Check this out, this really has nothing to do with anything other than I find it really funny. Whenever I am having a bad day.... I check out this video.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Library Poster

So I was commissioned to design a poster for the Library's Monthly gathering of some kind and when I say I was commissioned I mean my boss at the library said instead of scanning books all day today, I could design a poster for their monthly get pot luck.... I'm taking what I can get, so here it is. I thought I would go ahead and post it just because I have 15 more mins in my shift and I don't know how many more times I can search google for laderhosen and schnitzel.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


heres a screen shot of it on the home page!

It's sort of funny, I got a bad review on this print from Pok Chi last week and he told me to re-shoot and that I wasn't being illustrative... so HA! It's a long shot but I am now being considered to be published in National Geographic... hahahhahahahhah to you Pok!

PS Pok announced that he has given an ultimatum to the higher ups that if they don't eradicate the darkroom and traditional photo program down stairs he is leaving KU. I am not happy at all about this. He claims it is for environmental reasons, granted the darkroom downstairs could turn off the water on more occasions than it does, but he was making a case or darkroom materials polluting the water supply and killing all the fish in the river. My argument back to him is I can guarantee that the chemicals that go in to making lithium batteries and the waste of people throwing them away afterword is much worse. Not to mention the electricity it takes to power all the computers and printers night and day and the waste that goes into making all those digital cameras that are obsolete after two years, all of this is much worse than the dark room downstairs. Also in the conventional world people recycle their old equipment, because even after 25 years it still works, cameras, enlargers ect. I have owned three digital cameras in my life and only one film. I can still use my film camera but I know in about 3 years I will be begging for a new digital.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

my video so far...

so here is what I have so far. I know there is a big chunk of white space in the middle that I haven't resolved yet, but I am getting to it. My first task is to work on my type and how they relate to my graphics and fix my tool bar. I figured out how to get the numbers to scroll during my video, but now I either have to have them increase by a higher interval or figure out how to speed them up so they look like they reach 3 trillion by the end of my video... So i guess I have my work cut out for me. As for now I think I am going to go home and sketch out how I want my type to look through out the movie and then try and animate it. It is proving to be annoying trying to animate while I am not sure how I want to it look in the end as well as time consuming.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Grammar of Ornament

I found this blog called Brank Spanking New, and he has some really interesting design objects on his blog, but this was the one that caught my eye. I know most of use have either a. gone through history of design b. are in it now and we talked about Owen Jones': The Grammar of Ornament and apparently someone has scanned it in and put it on flickr. I thought it was really interesting, a lot more interesting than the 2 slides the professor showed us in class.

Reading Outline

1. organize your ideas
2. make visible
3. place it in the proper context
4. simplify simplify simplify
5. add redundancy, but not too much so that it is boring, but enough to make it recognizable
6. show cause and effect
7. what is it compared to?
8. multiply dimensions, show more than one idea in a clear way
9. integrate, cohesion

Museum Design: max out limited space

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm in the middle of a photo project for my digital class and I'm doing an interpretive portrait. What I am trying to portray is sort of the mysterious primitive person inside my subject that effects who he is. Sort of putting a physical image to the person he is inside, that has more of a wild nature and isn't necessarily refined. Pok keeps trying to get me to make this more about a primitive vs. modern, but I'm not really looking to compare a primitive to modern. He also keeps telling me to keep pushing the envelope and make it more dramatic and more editorial, so I'm confused. If anyone has any suggestions on where I should go with this, or just general impressions it would be really helpful.

PS: these photographs are not really meant to be seen on a small scale so if you click them they should get bigger

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

To suggest List

I don't know what I want to suggest with the visual identity but here is what I have so far.

.somewhat playful,but its a somber message.. i dunno
.clean lines
.very graphic style
.easy to read

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Amazing Posters

Reading Question

What I found interesting in the reading is when they were talking about how information is being transfered, and viewed in todays world. The use of portable devices for searching the web even has become very popular. I have actually met people who instead of paying for internet on their home computer, they just pay for their phones to have internet all the time and only surf the web on their phone... I have two questions:

How many of you people surf the web on their phone daily?

Do you think that one day that the home computer will be obsolete? Is the way of the future only lap tops and cell phones and if so how is that going to effect the internet market?

Sorry that was way more than two.. but it made me think...

Story Boards

Monday, September 1, 2008

Colors and Possible Fonts

I like these colors, but I cannot decide if I want to do a hand drawn typeface or if I want to go really rigid in my fonts. I think it will depend on the illustrations, but I know what I want to sort of look like, I think...

Info Graphics

I found a blog that is devoted to info graphics. They have some interesting things, its worth a look.
I really liked this one especially. I'm not sure if it is technically an infographic, but I like the style of combining something photographically real to create another image.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Associated Word List

Election, vote, money, 3 trillion dollars, too much, larger problems, bush, info. graphic, motion, educating people, influencing people, what we could have spent the money on, foreign oil, oil war, mixing infographics with cartoony style, end hunger and poverty related diseases, end foreign dependance on oil, universal health care for every american, pay half the world for a day, give every teacher a raise, end world hunger completely for a day, switch to solar power, the list goes on on what we could have spent, change, new people in office, new power, power in youth voters, power in the people, responsibility, helping the world, peace, ballots over bullets, illustrating how people can make a difference, every vote matters, people matter... to be continued

Mood Board

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Richard Saul Wurman

Richard Saul Wurman (born 1935 in Philadelphia) is an American architect and graphic designer. He is considered a pioneer in the practice of making information understandable. He has written and designed over 80 books and created the TED conferences. In 1976 he coined the phrase information architect out of his reaction to a society that daily creates massive amounts of information, but with little care or order. He created the popular ACCESS travel guide books which were innovative in their use of mapping content by neighborhood. Simple, but effective use of colored text allowed the reader to quickly separate, locate and evaluate restaurants, museums, parks, and other categorical destinations. The design concept was based on how we seek information, in this case, by location. With this series of books, Wurman firmly established the purpose of information architecture.

He is a 2004 Medalist of the AIGA, which honored him as a design conference impresario.[1]

I am a personal fan of TED. I listen to their podcast every week and I find it endlessly interesting. It is really a great way to learn about all sorts of amazing things in all types of fields. If you go into to Itunes or their website you can find the archives. I really recommend the one on the scientist who studies Fungi, it is really surprising, and the guy who studies crows. Though I have never listened to one that I didn't like, so you really can't go wrong.

Edward Tufte

Edward Tufte has written seven books, including Visual Explanations, Envisioning Information, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, and Data Analysis for Politics and Policy. He writes, designs, and self-publishes his books on analytical design, which have received more than 40 awards for content and design. He is Professor Emeritus at Yale University, where he taught courses in statistical evidence, information design, and interface design. His current work includes landscape sculpture, printmaking, video and a new book.

Nigel Holmes

Nigel Holems was born in 1942 in England. He graduated from The Royal College of Art in 1966, and worked as a freelancer for newspapers and magazines in England until 1977, when Walter Bernard hired him to work at Time Magazine in New York, to design what he calls "explanation graphics" — pictures that elucidate the subjects in the magazine.[2] Following 16 years at Time, he became a freelance designer, lecturer, and author of books on the subject including Wordless diagrams.

After a sabbatical he started his own company, which has explained things to and for a wide variety of clients, including Apple, Fortune, Nike, The Smithsonian Institution, Sony, United Healthcare, US Airways and Visa, and he continues to do graphics for publications such as Harper’s, The New York Observer and The New York Times.[3]

Nigel Holmes has written six books on aspects of information design. The latest, Nigel Holmes on Information Design, is a book-length interview with Steven Heller. It was published by Pinto Books in May 2006. Wordless Diagrams, from 2005, has been published in Chinese and Swedish editions as well as the original English.

Story 2

The scene opens on this quote "The Iraq war is expected to cost tax payers $3 trillion dollars" ... "Here is what we could have spent that money on..."

End our Dependence on Foreign Oil
1 purchased for $500,000,000,000.00 each
End hunger and poverty related diseases
1 purchased for $195,000,000,000.00 each
End World Hunger Completely for 1 yr
1 purchased for $195,000,000,000.00 each
Universal Health Care for Every American (300 million of us)
1 purchased for $920,100,000,000.00 each
Pay Half the World for a Day
1 purchased for $13,204,400,000.00 each
finish repairing the damage done by Katrina
1 purchased for $200,000,000,000.00 each
give every teacher a rai$e
1 purchased for $100,000,000.00 each
Broadband To Every U.S. Home
1 purchased for $100,000,000,000.00 each
Switch to Solar
1 purchased for $420,000,000,000.00 each
Every Song in the iTunes Library
2 purchased for $7,000,000.00 each
100 New Libraries
1 purchased for $5,000,000,000.00 each
revamp the u.s. education system
1 purchased for $100,000,000.00 each
Increase sustainable Organic Produce in the US
1 purchased for $10,000,000,000.00 each
The Hope Diamond
1 purchased for $250,000,000.00 each
New Clothing, Shoes, Coats, and School Supplies for Ten Million Children
1 purchased for $10,000,000,000.00 each
Hubble Space Telescope
1 purchased for $1,500,000,000.00 each
New National Power Grid
1 purchased for $100,000,000.00 each
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (Public, NYSE:WMT)
1 purchased for $222,520,000,000.00 each
1 purchased for $2,499,750,000.00 each

Each of these things would flash across the screen and the first would be rather slow and illustrated and then the facts would speed up and the text would get larger and larger until the screen was black and then the words in white would appear on the screen: "good design makes choices clear"

Story 1

The scene opens with the quote " The Iraq War is expected to cost tax payers $3 trillion dollars..." The it will fade out and fading in will say " here is what we could have spent that money on:"

This quote will then appear on the screen:
"we could give medicaid level health insurance to every uninsured American at $3,067 per person." have graphics that illustrate medicaid and giving it to people.(not sure what that would look like...)

Then the screen will transition into the " or we could buy 142 million Americans energy-effcient hybrid cars" Little cars would drive across the screen.

The last quote would flash across the screen and say "or we could send 20 million students to college" It would show little cartoon college students going to college.

then it would say "Good Design Makes Choices Clear..."

Project Brief

My challenge is to create a motion graphic with any tool available that accurately illustrates a statistic so that viewer can understand and experience the information being conveyed.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jeremy Shellhorns AIGA Posters!

Hey I don't know if everyone saw this, but these are Jeremy's Aiga voting posters.

If I had 3 trillion dollars...

End our Dependence on Foreign Oil
1 purchased for $500,000,000,000.00 each
End hunger and poverty related diseases
1 purchased for $195,000,000,000.00 each
End World Hunger Completely for 1 yr
1 purchased for $195,000,000,000.00 each
Universal Health Care for Every American (300 million of us)
1 purchased for $920,100,000,000.00 each
Pay Half the World for a Day
1 purchased for $13,204,400,000.00 each
finish repairing the damage done by Katrina
1 purchased for $200,000,000,000.00 each
give every teacher a rai$e
1 purchased for $100,000,000.00 each
Broadband To Every U.S. Home
1 purchased for $100,000,000,000.00 each
Switch to Solar
1 purchased for $420,000,000,000.00 each
Every Song in the iTunes Library
2 purchased for $7,000,000.00 each
100 New Libraries
1 purchased for $5,000,000,000.00 each
revamp the u.s. education system
1 purchased for $100,000,000.00 each
Increase sustainable Organic Produce in the US
1 purchased for $10,000,000,000.00 each
The Hope Diamond
1 purchased for $250,000,000.00 each
New Clothing, Shoes, Coats, and School Supplies for Ten Million Children
1 purchased for $10,000,000,000.00 each
Hubble Space Telescope
1 purchased for $1,500,000,000.00 each
New National Power Grid
1 purchased for $100,000,000.00 each
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (Public, NYSE:WMT)
1 purchased for $222,520,000,000.00 each
1 purchased for $2,499,750,000.00 each

I found this website where I could spend as much money as President Bush is spending in Iraq, and here is what I spent my 3 trillion dollars on.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


So it's the first day of school and for the first time in a long time I feel like I am in the right place, with the right intent, and I am really excited about my major. Last year after the first project I had a count down in my planner to when I could drop graphics and pray the photomedia major was going to actually happen. Although I am not always in love with graphics, it feels nice not to be dreading the upcoming months and to be actually looking forward to it. It was a difficult choice not to go in to photomedia major, but with the combination of the way it is being run, and how much I found my interests had changed by the end of the last school year, I am really happy with my choice.
Now to contradict everything I have said about photography, here are some of my shots from over the summer that I really liked.